

thanks for signing up for my SEO newsletter.

it comes out pretty infrequently--you might forget you signed up.

but people seem to love it, so hopefully that's enough to keep you going when you DO get it and forget that signed up. :)

you'll read about

  • what's working in SEO

  • what projects I've been up to

  • talking about recent news/events in the industry

  • and more

how I can help:

I can help you grow your traffic through strategic acquisitions - just book a call here.

I also offer consulting, just get in touch and I'll let you know how I can help.

what else I'm up to:

SEO membership

I co-founded the Advise membership community with Jacky Chou. This is the place you can find and interact with me most closely. I'm extremely active in that community.

I have a daily SEO email

it's where I write about SEO, entrepreneurship, creativity, and whatever else I'm up to. Subscribe if you want to hear from me more often.

where you can find me:

I'm on Twitter: @thisguyranks

I'm on TikTok (kinda): @SEO